We will help you with a box of non-perishable items.
If you're on a budget or barely have enough to last the whole month, let us help you with a box of food so you may use your resources for other needs.
We will visit with you in the comfort of your home.
The central activity of our Conference has been visiting the needy in their homes. In the home, people in need feel most free to confide their stories of struggle. As Vincentians, we are asked to listen, offer humble advice, and render assistance.
We will meet you where you are.
Sometimes, home may be the car, the park, or the corner somewhere. We can help you with temporary lodging as a stepping stone to your next move.
We will assist you so your electricity, gas or water will not be interrupted.
We can help pay for either your electricity, gas, or water to prevent future disruption to your basic utility needs.
“We must love our neighbor as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love.”